Monday, 1 May 2023

[01052023] To lead!

1. 1900 - Henri Fayol - "General and Industrial Management": Fayol's approach focuses on the management of resources, including planning, organizing, and controlling.

2. 1908 - Mary Parker Follett - "The New State": Follett's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

3. 1911 - Frederick Winslow Taylor - "The Principles of Scientific Management": Taylor's approach focuses on the use of scientific methods to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

4. 1913 - Elton Mayo - "The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization": Mayo's approach focuses on the importance of social and psychological factors in the workplace, including the role of leadership in motivating employees.

5. 1924 - Max Weber - "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization": Weber's approach focuses on the role of bureaucracy in organizational management.

6. 1930 - Mary Parker Follett - "The Speaker of the House of Representatives": Follett's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

7. 1933 - Kurt Lewin - "A Dynamic Theory of Personality": Lewin's approach focuses on the role of social and psychological factors in personality development, including the role of leadership in shaping individual behavior.

8. 1938 - Chester Barnard - "The Functions of the Executive": Barnard's approach focuses on the importance of communication and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

9. 1947 - Abraham Maslow - "A Theory of Human Motivation": Maslow's approach focuses on the hierarchy of needs, including the role of self-actualization in individual and organizational growth.

10. 1947 - Chester Barnard - "The Functions of the Executive": Barnard's approach focuses on the importance of communication and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

11. 1954 - Rensis Likert - "New Patterns of Management": Likert's approach focuses on the importance of participatory management, including the role of leadership in creating a collaborative organizational culture.

12. 1958 - Douglas McGregor - "The Human Side of Enterprise": McGregor's approach focuses on the importance of employee motivation and engagement in organizational success.

13. 1960 - Chris Argyris - "Understanding Organizational Behavior": Argyris's approach focuses on the role of organizational learning in individual and organizational growth.

14. 1960 - Douglas McGregor - "The Human Side of Enterprise": McGregor's approach focuses on the importance of employee motivation and engagement in organizational success.

15. 1964 - Herbert Simon - "Theories of Decision-Making in Economics and Behavioral Science": Simon's approach focuses on the importance of decision-making in organizational management.

16. 1965 - Robert Blake and Jane Mouton - "The Managerial Grid": Blake and Mouton's approach focuses on the importance of balancing task and people-oriented leadership styles.

17. 1967 - Fred Fiedler - "A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness": Fiedler's approach focuses on the importance of matching leadership style to situational factors, including task structure and leader-member relations.

18. 1969 - Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann - "The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument": Thomas and Kilmann's approach focuses on the importance of conflict management in organizational decision-making.

19. 1971 - Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton - "Leadership and Decision-Making": Vroom and Yetton's approach focuses on the importance of participatory decision-making in leadership.

20. 1973 - Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard - "Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Situational Approach": Hersey and Blanchard's approach focuses on the importance of adapting leadership style to the maturity level of employees.

21. 1978 - James MacGregor Burns - "Leadership": Burns's approach focuses on the importance of transformational leadership, including the role of leaders in inspiring and motivating followers.

22. 1982 - John Kotter - "The General Managers": Kotter's approach focuses on the importance of effective management in organizational success, including the role of leadership in creating a shared vision and strategic plan.

23. 1985 - Edwin Locke - "Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives": Locke's approach focuses on the role of goal-setting and feedback in employee motivation and performance.

24. 1986 - Warren Bennis - "On Becoming a Leader": Bennis's approach focuses on the importance of self-awareness and personal growth in leadership development.

25. 1988 - Peter Drucker - "The Effective Executive": Drucker's approach focuses on the importance of time management, prioritization, and decision-making in effective leadership.

26. 1990 - Gary Yukl - "Leadership in Organizations": Yukl's approach focuses on the importance of multiple factors in effective leadership, including leader behavior, organizational culture, and follower characteristics.

27. 1992 - John Kotter - "Leading Change": Kotter's approach focuses on the importance of creating a sense of urgency and a guiding coalition in leading organizational change.

28. 1994 - James Kouzes and Barry Posner - "The Leadership Challenge": Kouzes and Posner's approach focuses on the importance of inspiring and motivating followers through modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart.

29. 1995 - Daniel Goleman - "Emotional Intelligence": Goleman's approach focuses on the importance of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, in effective leadership.

30. 1997 - Robert House - "Path-Goal Theory of Leadership": House's approach focuses on the importance of clarifying goals, providing direction, and removing obstacles in effective leadership.

31. 1998 - Peter Senge - "The Fifth Discipline": Senge's approach focuses on the importance of organizational learning, including personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking.

32. 1999 - James Collins and Jerry Porras - "Built to Last": Collins and Porras's approach focuses on the importance of visionary leadership, including the role of core values, purpose, and BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals) in creating enduring organizations.

33. 2001 - Jim Collins - "Good to Great": Collins's approach focuses on the importance of disciplined leadership, including the role of level 5 leadership, disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action in achieving sustained organizational success.

34. 2002 - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman - "First, Break All the Rules": Buckingham and Coffman's approach focuses on the importance of strengths-based leadership, including the role of focusing on employee strengths, providing clear expectations, and fostering positive relationships.

35. 2003 - John Maxwell - "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership": Maxwell's approach focuses on the importance of timeless principles of leadership, including the law of influence, the law of process, the law of navigation, and the law of sacrifice.

36. 2004 - Jim Collins - "Good to Great and the Social Sector": Collins's approach focuses on the importance of applying principles of disciplined leadership to nonprofit and public sector organizations.

37. 2005 - Warren Bennis - "The Art of Followership": Bennis emphasizes that effective followership is just as important as effective leadership in achieving organizational goals.

38. 2006 - Charles Duhigg - "The Power of Habit": Duhigg's approach focuses on the importance of understanding and shaping habits, including how leaders can use habits to create organizational change.

39. 2007 - Carol Dweck - "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success": Dweck's approach focuses on the importance of growth mindset, including the role of leaders in promoting a culture of learning and development.

40. 2008 - Simon Sinek - "Start with Why": Sinek's approach focuses on the importance of starting with a clear sense of purpose and vision, including the role of leaders in inspiring and motivating others to act.

41. 2009 - Clay Christensen - "The Innovator's Dilemma": Christensen's approach focuses on the importance of disruptive innovation, including the role of leaders in creating and adapting to disruptive technologies and business models.

42. 2010 - Brené Brown - "The Gifts of Imperfection": Brown's approach focuses on the importance of vulnerability and authenticity, including the role of leaders in creating a culture of psychological safety and trust.

43. 2011 - Daniel Pink - "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us": Pink's approach focuses on the importance of intrinsic motivation, including the role of leaders in creating conditions that foster autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

44. 2012 - Sheryl Sandberg - "Lean In": Sandberg's approach focuses on the importance of gender diversity and inclusion in leadership, including the role of women in breaking down barriers and advancing in leadership positions.

45. 2013 - Adam Grant - "Give and Take": Grant's approach focuses on the importance of generosity and reciprocity in leadership, including the role of givers, takers, and matchers in organizational success.

46. 2014 - Kim Scott - "Radical Candor": Scott's approach focuses on the importance of feedback and communication, including the role of leaders in providing honest, direct feedback in a way that is both caring and challenging.

47. 2015 - Angela Duckworth - "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance": Duckworth's approach focuses on the importance of grit and perseverance in achieving long-term goals, including the role of leaders in fostering a growth mindset and creating a culture of resilience.

48. 2016 - Simon Sinek - "Together Is Better": Sinek's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and teamwork, including the role of leaders in creating a sense of belonging and connection.

49. 2017 - Amy Edmondson - "The Fearless Organization": Edmondson's approach focuses on the importance of psychological safety, including the role of leaders in creating a culture that encourages open communication and learning from failure.

50. 2018 - Adam Grant - "Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World": Grant's approach focuses on the importance of creativity and innovation, including the role of leaders in promoting and supporting original thinking and diverse perspectives. 

These 50 leadership theorists and their published works have had a profound impact on the field of leadership, helping to shape our understanding of what effective leadership looks like and how it can be developed and practiced. By studying these approaches, leaders can gain valuable insights and tools for becoming more effective in their roles, and organizations can benefit from the improved performance and outcomes that come with strong leadership.

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